
Here is a snapshot of what your child will be learning this week.

Reading: Make predictions, story elements (Characters. Setting, plot, topic, what does this mean?, author’s purpose) , punctuation (comma, period, exclamation mark, question mark, quotation marks), alphabetizing, grammar.

Reading Strategy: Look for familiar words inside of strange words. Example: The word "WORD" contain's the word "OR" inside of it. Therefore, sounding this word out will look like this: "W/OR/D" Instead of "W/O/R/D"

Vocabulary words:

  • Context: the words, sentences or passages that precede or follow a specific word, sentence, or passage.

    Synonyms: words that mean the same.

    Antonyms: words that mean the opposite.

    Punctuation- comma, period, exclamation mark, question mark, quotation marks.

    Prefixes: one or more sounds or letters placed before a root word.

    Suffixes: one or more sounds or letters places after root word.

Spelling Words: lettuce, happen, basket, winter, sister, problem, supper, subject, lesson, spelling, napkin, collar, traffic, suggest, puppet.

 Math: Place value one-ten thousands.

Understand standard, word, and number comparisons. (Here is a tutorial website: http://mathwecan.com/place-value-by-5-numbers.html)

Science: 3 states of matter: Solid: definite shape, Liquid: take the shape of their container, Gas: take the shape of their container, Lab tools (tools: hand lense, metric ruler, pan balance, graduated cylinders, beakers, meter sticks, magnets, notebooks).

Social Studies:  Maps and communities.

Vocabulary Words

  • Compass rose, scale system, continents and oceans, timelines, legend, physical processes